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Art & Design Portfolio Review (online)
Art & Design Portfolio Review (online)
Art & Design Portfolio Review for College and University applications
A portfolio is a critical step in your application to higher education or employment. It’s an opportunity to showcase your creative abilities, demonstrate technical skills, and present a cohesive body of work in line with the subject you want to study or have studied.
The portfolio is used to help assess your fit for a course and level of skills at the point of entry. It should therefore sell you as a good applicant and speak for itself. You may however be asked to present your portfolio or answer questions as the interviewer looks through it.
It is therefore important to seek guidance on your portfolio and its readiness for application.
If you are looking to build a portfolio, please see our Portfolio Preparation Course.
Let’s get your portfolio perfected.
Over the past 15 years, I have worked as a British chartered Architect, Academic Director at a leading Singaporean Design School in India, Senior Lecturer at a top UK Arts University, Academic Representative with the British Council, and External Examiner at several Design Schools.
I have interviewed hundreds of students and graduates internationally and reviewed their portfolios when looking to make an offer on behalf of a university. I know exactly what an academic is looking for and how to make your portfolio stand out.
A portfolio review is ideal for students and school leavers applying to study Art & Design at a College or University.
Click below to purchase a portfolio review (In-person is available in Reykjavik)
Send your digital portfolio to or share a link in Canva.
We will review your portfolio make notes and suggestions, offering feedback by email. If you require further clarification, a Zoom call can be arranged.
PLEASE NOTE: Portfolio reviews work best when you have your portfolio 99% ready, are open to feedback, and are willing to incorporate any suggested changes. You should not have to explain or present your portfolio, it should speak for you.
We are currently taking bookings for 2025. Portfolio reviews are usually conducted within 7-10 days of purchasing because we understand you need feedback.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Refunds are not offered on a portfolio review.
Don’t have a portfolio yet?
If you are looking to build a portfolio, please see our Portfolio Preparation Course.
student testimonials
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Sonia really helped me with my Architecture portfolio, and made me more confident on my body of work, whilst inspiring me on what else I should create. Furthermore she has great tips on interview prep.”
Ardiana Gashi, UK
"It really helped me to talk to Sonia…she pointed out things that worked and tips on how to make something stand out better through layouts. Our meeting was really nice and casual, kinda like meeting a friend for a coffee and a chat."