Wedding Couple Portraits - A4 - Digital Download

Wedding Couple Portraits drawn by Sonia Nicolson
Wedding Couple
Wedding Couple Commission by Sonia Nicolson
Wedding Couple Portraits drawn by Sonia Nicolson
Wedding Couple
Wedding Couple Commission by Sonia Nicolson

Wedding Couple Portraits - A4 - Digital Download


Wedding Couple Portraits

This is a digital file - nothing will be shipped/posted

Commission a drawing by Architect and illustrator Sonia Nicolson

Looking for a unique and personal Wedding gift then a portrait of the happy couple is a great idea. If you’re interested in having a hand-drawn Wedding portrait created for you or as a special gift for the happy couple, please place your order and send me a photograph to work from.

Size: A4: 210 x 297mm / 21 x 29.7cm / 8.3 x 11.7’’


1. Place your order

2. Send a photo and any additional information you’d like included in your commission to

3. I will create your commission (usually takes 7-10 working days)

4. You will receive your printable file

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